The sun has decided to stick around longer into the day. The snows have melted away. Each week, the temperature rises a bit more as the plants and trees come back to life. Spring is here, and we can all finally breathe in the warm pollen filled air (sorry, people with allergies!).
And with the coming of spring, as the world wakes up from the cold dark winter days, we all get to really see the messes we’ve made in the last few months. The harsh sunlight shines on every bit of clutter and judges us “messy”. The time for spring cleaning has come, and we’ve got some helpful tips to get you through it!
Plan It
You can just wake up on a random Saturday and tell the family that it’s time to clean, but if you do, get ready for some serious mumbling and grumbling. Little Jimmy was gonna go down to the park with his pals and play some soccer! Little Susie was going to the neighbor’s house for some much-needed trampoline time! Dad wanted to go to the ball game with Brian! Mom wanted to finally check out that new candle shop with Darlene!
Don’t spring your spring cleaning on your family! Schedule it out so that they know in advance to keep the time clear.
And don’t just plan the date, plot out who does what and where. Break the plan down by each room in your home and detail what must get done.
Organize and Toss
Before the serious cleaning starts, you’re going to have to make a bigger mess. Since the last spring cleaning, you and your family surely amassed a whole lot of things that seemed like a good idea at the time but have never really worked out. That made for TV thing that cooks eggs in the microwave. The porcelain dragon collection your weird uncle sent you for your birthday because he heard you liked that one show. Clothes that have sat at the bottom of the drawer for years.
Get all these things into piles and plot out what to do with them. If the clothes and other random items are in good shape, you can have a garage sale or donate them to those who could use them. You can probably give away those dragons too!
With these items out of the way, you can better organize your closets and storage spaces. As an added bonus, studies have shown that the less clutter in a home, the lower the stress levels.
So clear out those closets and pack up what you can to give to those who need it!
Start High, Go Low
Dirt and trash has a way of finding hard to reach spots, and you’ll want to make sure you get it out of there. From every corner and window of the attic to the floor of the basement, get it clean!
You want to start at the high spots because the dirt and dust will come down, covering the things below it. You don’t want to waste time cleaning the floors only to have them get dirty again when you clean the windows and dust your furniture. Watch for cobwebs in corners, too.
And don’t forget your ceiling fans! Those things love to collect dust!
If you live in a multi-story home, start at the top floor and work your way down. Now we’re going to throw in a twist! If you have a basement, clean that before you do the first floor of your home! After all, you’ll need to carry up the trash and other items and you don’t want to bring all that through a newly cleaned kitchen.
Get That Deep Clean
Your vacuum does a fine job for the usual cleaning, but this is spring cleaning, so you’ll want to bring out the big guns! A steam cleaner and carpet cleaner can help get your home back to looking the way it did when you first moved in. If you don’t own either one, check online for places near you that rent them out.
The steam cleaner will return your tile and hardwood floors to the look you love, really getting in there and cleaning out the dirt and grime. The carpet cleaner will reveal the true color of your carpets, and it may be safe to use on your chairs and couches as well depending on the materials they are made from.
Bring Back What You Need
We discussed the advantages of self-storage before, and this is the exact occasion where you’ll want to visit your stored belongings. The camping gear and patio furniture can come out of hiding and once more bask in the delight of being used! Plus, you’re sure to have some winter items you won’t be needing for the next few months that could be stored in your space.
With spring comes a chance of renewal. A period where you and your family can clear out the old and start fresh. So open those windows, put on your cleaning clothes and get to work!
Premier Relocations is licensed and insured, maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, and has earned ProMover and Michigan ProMover certification through the American Moving and Storage Association (AMSA). The company annually earns the ‘Super Service Award’ through Angie’s List, for customer satisfaction surveys ranked in the top five percent.